Monday, February 18, 2019

A guide to a speedy ACL injury recovery

Anyone who has suffered an ACL injury, whether due to a bad fall or from rigorous athletic endeavors, should know that the period for complete recovery after surgery varies. Many therapists would say that it ranges from two to six months just to use the affected leg normally, but a return of the knee joint to its original, stable condition prior to the injury could take nine months or more.

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One way to speed up the recovery is to ensure that you strictly abide by the surgeon’s post-operation instructions. This will include post-op visits and regular meetings with a physical therapist. Keep to these schedules religiously, as they are meant to constitute a rehab program with a clear-cut timetable.

Make sure not to miss any follow-up appointments so that your progress is best monitored. If these are unforeseen developments, your physician will also be able to make the necessary changes quickly.
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Also, make sure that you get a referral for a physical therapist after the surgery. You might already have one in mind, but you can also ask your surgeon for options.

Abide by a healthy nutritional plan. Your body will heal more quickly if you eat foods recommended during post-op. These include leafy vegetables rich in nutrients, lean protein meat, and citrus fruits. Limit your alcohol, caffeine, and soda intake or avoid these drinks altogether and go for dairy. Finally, make sure you get the right amount of sleep, take your prescribed medications, and do the exercises you’ve been instructed for rehab.

Hey, there. My name is Mike Volitich, a student currently studying sports therapy at the UCLA. Among my interests are sports, travel, fitness, and athletic wear. More on my hobbies and interests here.