Monday, March 18, 2019

Boxing: Possibly the best stress reliever in all of fitness

Have you ever had one of those days that you just wanted to punch someone in the face? Don’t do that. It’ll only make things worse. Instead, buy boxing gear and enroll yourself in a boxing gym. You won’t regret it. Not only is boxing great for your overall health, it’s quite possibly the greatest stress relieving activity in all of fitness.

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I’m Mike Volitich, and there are a few other workout routines I recommend as highly as boxing.
The common misconception about boxing is that it’s all about punching and hitting bags. The first few minutes of your first session should be enough to put that myth to rest. You’ll be taught basic footwork and the few warm-up cardio routines before you do start hitting mitts and bags. You’ll be doing jump ropes that’ll burn fat like nobody’s business. And when you’re done with that, you’ll be learning how to move without crossing your legs.
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After all that is when killing the stress really begins. That’s a Mike Volitich guarantee. You’ll be hitting the mitts with a trainer and learning how to bob and weave. You’ll be blocking punches as well. You’ll be taught several different ways to throw punches and the correct way to do so. After that, you’ll be left on your own to work on different bags around the gym. Don’t overdo it though so you don’t hurt your arms. Do enough to release stress and get a good sweat going.

After a few sessions, you’ll probably wonder how you managed stress without boxing in your life. It’s that great.

Hey there. My name is Mike Volitich, currently a student at UCLA pursuing a degree in sports therapy. I like writing about sports, travel, fitness, and athletic wear. Visit this blog for similar reads.