Friday, May 10, 2019

Principles and workouts to help you get that summer body

Summer is fast approaching, and if you haven’t started working out for your summer bod, you could be way behind schedule. It’s important to remember that staying fit throughout the year is better than cramming everything for just one season.

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Getting fit for summer is not as complex as you might, but it’s not that easy either. Instead of focusing on one area of the body, do a holistic workout to target all the areas of the body. Having a summer body is more than just having rock-hard abs. Lift weights first before doing cardio workouts; seems strange, but it works. Mike Volitich says that for you to achieve the body you want, weight training should be first as this depletes the body’s glycogen storages. Follow the weights with cardio, and your body will be more likely to get lean faster.

Raise the intensity for exercises like squats, leg curls, leg presses, and calf raises. Rather than doing four sets with breaks in between, do giant sets. Perform four varied exercises consecutively without breaks. High-intensity interval training or HIIT cardio is always on the top of the list of anyone who wants to get in shape the fastest. Mike Volitich says that this reduces the time you need to spend working out. However, this empties your tank and can leave you breathless after the workout. As you go, you’ll notice that the progress here means finishing the workout with more energy than when you first started.

Hi there! My name is Mike Volitich, and I’m currently a sports therapy student at UCLA. For more updates, head over to this page.


  1. I think the nutrition part of your routine will make or break it for you.

  2. I'm now ready to declare war on fat and get ripped!

  3. These are easy to implement and provide concrete advice that I can follow no matter what level I am at right now.
